Relieve your employees
2nd Level Support
With "Next-Generation Support", SAP promises its customers self-service components, digital interaction with support in real time, a particularly good digital customer experience, for example through build-in support with the help of SAP CoPilot, and the use of innovations such as AI and Machine Learning. Objective: Enquiries should be answered in real-time, as far as possible, as a prerequisite for real-time business models. At the DSAG Annual Congress 2018, I wanted to know from Andreas Heckmann, Head of SAP Support, what support services SAP customers will need in the future, how SAP will support end-to-end digital processes in hybrid systems, where the differences between ECC and SAP S/4HANA support requests lie, and what impact innovations (machine learning, AI, predictive analytics, ...) have on SAP support.
General SAP® services to optimise and further develop your software are supplemented by specific process knowledge through VAR support. As a result, support is realised in the highest possible quality.
What is the added value of Enterprise Support?
Telekom offers a similar maintenance and maintenance service for your SAP® software as SAP® support directly. SAP® SE checks and certifies the quality of SAP® partner support and service within the framework of the so-called "Support Authorisation".
Business processes throughout the company are constantly changing. This also affects the complexity of ERP systems and IT architectures. Seamlessly integrated processes are therefore becoming increasingly important and have great potential for digital transformation. The powerful team of FIS Customer Expert Services supports your company with these challenges and finds suitable solutions for your SAP system together with you.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and faster to complete many SAP support tasks.
We offer the block-by-block solution of the software service support and targeted advice on SAP solutions.
Recruiting and sustaining such talent can be difficult and costly, especially given the industry's lack of SAP skills.