SAP Support Minimise modifications and customisation - SAP Corner

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Minimise modifications and customisation
corporate architect
Business processes throughout the company are constantly changing. This also affects the complexity of ERP systems and IT architectures. Seamlessly integrated processes are therefore becoming increasingly important and have great potential for digital transformation. The powerful team of FIS Customer Expert Services supports your company with these challenges and finds suitable solutions for your SAP system together with you.

Since 2009, we are the first German system house to have the SAP SE-awarded Support Partner Certification for SAP Enterprise Support (VAR Partner Centre of Expertise, PCoE). Our support therefore corresponds to the highest quality standards of SAP.
SAP® Support - as needed
Our Application Management Centre is located at ORBIS headquarters in Saarbrücken: We have made this decision deliberately. At ORBIS headquarters in Saarbrücken, our ORBIS Service Agents have the opportunity to interact with the consultants and developers of the implementation projects without detours and thus directly access know-how on customer-specific settings and programmes. Further branches of our AMS Centre are located in the USA (Washington) and China (Shanghai), so we can offer our SAP customers comprehensive service.

Here's an example we had about one or two years ago. A larger company with a fairly large SAP user base had 2 experts in support alone. SAP experts, who tend to be expensive and have done nothing but route the incoming tickets to the right place so IT support could get involved. We automated this process by using AI. Not their semantic skills, not as a chatbot, but their analytical skills to learn from historical tickets that used to arrive and were misdirected and how they were resolved. So within a few days, we were able to build up this AI to the point where it could fully adopt the classification of the tickets. Now, the artificial intelligence that came out of this rich information that came out of the SAP world was able to pass these tickets on to the right person, and in some cases even work out solutions.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even enables many SAP support activities.

Anyone who is unsure whether the SAP support connection is running properly does not have to rely on their own solution manager alone.

There, the employees are available as a service from the Go-Live of the respective application and clarify problems, enquiries etc..
SAP Corner
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