SAP Support Explore business opportunities and develop working prototypes - SAP Corner

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Explore business opportunities and develop working prototypes
Access to a pre-configured demo environment enriched with sample data
SOA People is at your disposal to support you instantly and remotely to meet your business needs. Cost-effective business continuity is essential, and we can be completely flexible in the way you work with us. Our overall goal is to reduce the running costs and efficiency of your SAP landscape.

In order to continue to communicate with the backbone and to use the services of SAP, it is necessary to move to this new infrastructure by January 2020. This requires the following update: ・ SAP Solution Manager SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS07 or SPS08 (recommended) ・ Focused Run: Focused Run 2.00. The download via the Note Wizard (Transaction SNOTE) will only work if the notes are digitally signed. Note the SAP hints here.
No additional costs in Enterprise Support
This growth continues to challenge the company's IT. This includes not only the connection of new sites and the introduction of new systems and functions. The day-to-day business will also continue to be managed - from ensuring the smooth operation of applications and networks to supporting users at the sites.

The employees of our customers, like all of us, are used to beautiful and easy-to-use applications in their role as consumers of digital offerings; We also take this into account in our interaction with our customers. We provide self-service access to our knowledge pool in a variety of ways. This includes social media such as Twitter or messenger services such as WhatsApp.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even enables many SAP support activities.

Our SAP AMS practices enable you to prevent incidents, mitigate risks, and manage complexity to ensure business continuity and the availability of IT-based business processes.

Develop the ideal concepts to formulate the enhanced business results you want to compare and add value.
SAP Corner
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