SAP Support Did we arouse your interest in support on demand? - SAP Corner

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Did we arouse your interest in support on demand?
External SAP support and comprehensive service to relieve your IT
Trust consultants with excellent knowledge of SAP software. They provide you with the necessary support at every stage of your transformation.

As mentioned above, there are clear overlaps in SAP Support and SAP Application Management Services, and even after this post you may have unresolved questions. So please do not hesitate to contact us and we will advise you on what services you need for your circumstances and what support is the right one. As a complete SAP service provider, we offer you everything you need as a SAP customer in our SAP Carecenter. Contact us without obligation and we will inform you about our comprehensive services.
We offer support models tailored to your needs with flexible switching options. Our support can be obtained on a daily or hourly quota basis according to your needs.

Here's an example we had about one or two years ago. A larger company with a fairly large SAP user base had 2 experts in support alone. SAP experts, who tend to be expensive and have done nothing but route the incoming tickets to the right place so IT support could get involved. We automated this process by using AI. Not their semantic skills, not as a chatbot, but their analytical skills to learn from historical tickets that used to arrive and were misdirected and how they were resolved. So within a few days, we were able to build up this AI to the point where it could fully adopt the classification of the tickets. Now, the artificial intelligence that came out of this rich information that came out of the SAP world was able to pass these tickets on to the right person, and in some cases even work out solutions.

The "Shortcut for SAP Systems" tool is an excellent tool for handling many tasks in SAP Support more easily and quickly.

The automatic documentation in Word serves as a training manual.

In this case, our system engineers and application engineers take over and take care of the issue in a dedicated manner.
SAP Corner
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