SAP Authorizations Set up login locks securely - SAP Corner

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Set up login locks securely
Law-critical authorizations
Authorization tools in the SAP GRC Suite ensure that every company can design a highly automated compliance management system that fits exactly. The majority of German companies with an SAP system do not yet use authorization tools. However, the use of SAP authorization tools is a great advantage for many companies. The extent to which the use of authorization tools makes sense depends on the size of a company.

If an entry in transaction SE97 is correctly created, a permission check is performed in the same way as a transaction startup authorisation. This approach therefore requires an exact and complete configuration for each transaction that is invoked. The required effort and the space for errors are correspondingly large. The CALL TRANSACTION ABAP command does not cause a transaction startup permission check. Without a permission check, the ABAP programme could unintentionally allow users to access system resources. In many cases, such authorisation problems lead to a hidden compliance violation, because this means that the traceability of user actions in the SAP system is no longer guaranteed. A developer should not rely on the functionality of the SE97 transaction and therefore should include the possible permission checks in the code. Therefore, one of the following explicitly coded permission checks for the CALL TRANSACTION statement must be performed.
Encrypt e-mails
When your selection is complete, just exit the image with the green button. You will now arrive at the Details Selector screen, where you can select the selection fields and the output fields (the List Field Selector and Selection Fields tabs) of your table combination. We select the authorization objects and values as selection and the role name, and the user as output fields. Done! Now the query can be started with the Run button. In the background, the system creates a programme that builds the join. As a result, a selection screen appears. Enter"S_TCODE"as object and"SCC4"as field value (we only have one field for this object). When you click Run, all users and the triggers are output to you.

A troublesome scenario you're probably familiar with: You will soon be going live with a new business process and must now derive your roles in 97 accounting circles. Here eCATT can make your life easier. It's time again: If you don't have anyone in your department who likes to press the Copy button for several hours in the PFCG transaction, replace the Derive shortcut, and then customise the Organisation Levels (Origen) in the new roles on the Permissions tab (repeatedly connected to memory), the job will hang on you. Because there is hardly anything more boring, at the latest after one hour the first errors creep in. Whenever you have to roll out new roles, for example for your new premium business, to all your divisions, plants, etc. , the creation of the derived roles is tedious - because SAP does not offer smart mass maintenance. The SAP standard offers various ways to record and play on a massive scale. These tools are generally available for all operations in the SAP system, not just for role maintenance. Therefore, they are also more complex to operate, in order to be able to cover as flexibly as possible all possible application scenarios. eCATT is also no exception, so many users are still afraid to use it. But we can tell you from experience: After the second or third time, the creation of the test scripts is so quick that you'll wonder why you haven't always done it this way.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

In the worst case, criminal activity can cause economic damage.

If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website

Security notes correct vulnerabilities in SAP standard software that can be exploited internally or externally.
SAP Corner
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