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Critical authorizations
The security policy was introduced with the SAP NetWeaver 7.31 release; for their use you need at least this release. Security policies thus replace the definition of password rules, password changes, and login restrictions via profile parameters. The security policy is assigned to the user in transaction SU01 on the Logon Data tab. Profile parameter settings remain relevant for user master records that have not been assigned a security policy. Some of the profile parameters are also not included in the security policy and therefore still need to be set system-wide. Security policy always includes all security policy attributes and their suggestion values. Of course, you can always adjust the proposed values according to your requirements. You define security policy about the SECPOL transaction. Select the attributes for which you want to maintain your own values and enter the values accordingly. The Descendable Entries button displays the attributes that are not different from the global entries.
Confirmation of the dialogue will immediately start the recording; They therefore end up in the PFCG transaction. We want to record the creation of a single role derived from a reference role. Complete the appropriate steps in the PFCG transaction and try to avoid unnecessary steps - every step you take will make your recording bigger and less cluttered. Enter the name of the derived role - we can influence it later when playing with eCATT - and specify the role. Now assign the reference role. Note that the PFCG transaction is actually executed, so the role is actually created in the system! In the SCC4 transaction, first check whether eCATT is allowed to run. Then start the SECATT transaction. As you get started, you can define and modify test scripts and test configurations. First, create a test script. Think of it as a blueprint or a flow rule for how to create new derived roles. The test script will contain your recording later. Give the script a talking name, such as Z_MASSENGERATION_DERIVATIVES. Then click the Create Object button. You will now go to the Attribute tab, where you specify the general frame data. Then click the Editor tab. Now it goes to the recording, in the eCATT language called patterns. Click the Pattern button and specify that you want to record the PFCG transaction by selecting the UIAncontrol and TCD (Record) settings. The system will propose to call the interface "PFCG_1"; You can simply confirm this.
Architecture of authorization concepts
Are you using SAP NetWeaver Business Client instead of SAP GUI? The arrangement of the applications on the screen is controlled by PFCG roles. The SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) is an alternative to SAP GUI for access to SAP applications. This allows you to centrally access applications that reside in different SAP systems and have different UI technologies. The NWBC enables you to call not only transactions, but also Web-Dynpro applications and external service applications. In this tip, we will show you how to use PFCG roles to control the design of the NWBC user interface.
Since Release 4.6D, the system creates a new folder for each of the roles included in the pulley when rebuilding a Collective Roll menu at the first hierarchy level, and only then the corresponding menu is located. You can decide whether the text of each folder should consist of the technical name or the short text of the role. This function can be disabled by customising.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Make your IMG projects more secure.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
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