Displaying sensitive data
If these issues are not taken into account during a conversion, there will be an imbalance between the system and the components to be protected, since the change in the system constellation means that new components, such as those mentioned above, must also be taken into account. Otherwise, a company may suffer economic damage and the resulting damage to its image. Furthermore, neglect of legal requirements (BDSG, DSGVO, GOB, HGB, etc.)1 can lead to legal measures or steps.
We now want to describe the necessary settings in the sending application using the example of encrypted sending of initial passwords. To implement this requirement, you can use the BAdI BADI_IDENTITY_UPDATE. This BAdI is also only available via a support package starting from SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.31. For details on the relevant support packages, see SAP Note 1750161. To implement the BAdIs, use the transaction SE18; there you can also see the example class CL_EXM_IM_IDENTITY_UPDATE. For the BAdI BADI_ IDENTITY_UPDATE, you must implement the SAVE method to the IF_BADI_IDENTITY_UPDATE interface.
Understanding SAP HANA Permissions Tests
In order to use the statistical usage data, you must first extend the default SAP value of the retention time to a reasonable period of time. For a representative period, a minimum of 14 months and a maximum of 24 months shall be sufficient. This includes day-to-day business, monthly financial statements, underyear activities such as inventory and annual financial statements. Now call the transaction ST03N and navigate to: Collector & Perf. Database > Performance Database > Workload Collector Database > Reorganisation > Control Panel.
You can use the system trace function (transaction ST01) to record the authorization checks in all modes, if the trace and the transaction to be traced run on the same application server. All object fields and their values are recorded during the authorization object check.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
If you want to cancel, share, or reset other users' jobs to scheduled status, you must have permission for the S_BTCH_ADM object with a value of Y.
You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page www.sap-corner.de.
Especially for these, an appropriate justification must be available in writing.