SAP Authorizations Authorization concept of AS ABAP - SAP Corner

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Authorization concept of AS ABAP
SIVIS as a Service
From the result of the statistical usage data, you can see which transactions (ENTRY_ID) were used, how often (COUNTER), and how many different users. There are various indications from this information. For example, transactions that were used only once by a user within 12 months could indicate a very privileged user, or inadvertently invoking a transaction for which a user has permissions. The future assignment of such transactions in the SAP role concept should then be critically questioned. In contrast, you should consider transactions with a high level of usage and a large user circle (e.g. with more than ten users) in an SAP role concept.

First, the Web application developers must implement appropriate permission checks and make PFCG available for use in role maintenance in the transaction. This includes the maintenance of proposed values in the transaction SU22. The SAP Note 1413012 (new reusable startup authorisation check) provides all the necessary details.
SAP Security Automation
Then you create a subroutine with the same name as the User-Exit definition and programme your customised checks (for example, for specific data constellations or permissions). Include the exit definition (UGALI) via the GGB0 transaction. You will need to call this transaction again to read the programmed exit and select it.

Furthermore, the statistical data of other users (user activities, such as executed reports and transactions) should be classified as sensitive, since it may be possible to draw conclusions about work behavior using this data. This data can be displayed using transaction ST03N, for example. Access authorizations to the two types of data mentioned above should be assigned only very restrictively.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

The Maintenance Status and Update Status columns provide information about the status of the permission and how the permission has been updated.

You can also find some useful tips from practice on the subject of SAP authorizations on the page

This toggles the setting in the SCC4 transaction for changing and recording custom customising objects ("Client modifiability") for role maintenance.
SAP Corner
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