Audit Information System Cockpit
Use SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser
In principle, the SAP_NEW permission should not be granted in the production system. The Profiles tab displays the generated profiles in the user master record that are associated with a specific user. Here you can also assign manually created permission profiles from the transaction SU02 - even without direct role mapping. In principle, the recommendation is to use the profile generator (transaction PFCG) to generate authorisation profiles automatically. Special caution is taken when you enter generated permission profiles directly on the Profiles tab, as these assignments will be deleted by matching user assignments with the transaction PFUD if no entry is on the Roles tab for the assignment. You have probably assigned SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW to users for whom there should be no restrictions in the SAP system. But what are these two profiles different from each other and why are they necessary?
The first step in the cleanup process is therefore to find out whether the current authorization concept is sufficient and a cleanup is the best way forward, or whether a rebuild of the authorization concept is necessary. The focus should be on saving the current authorization concept, since rebuilding it takes more time than cleaning it up.
Dialogue user
If you do not maintain the values or set them to a value other than YES, the role menus of the reference user will not be taken into account when setting up the user menu. The two switches are system-wide; It is therefore not possible to define a specific shape for the client. If you set both switches to YES, you will not be able to tell from the user menu entries whether they are from the reference user's or user's role menus. Reference users have another benefit: You can also use it to inherit the contractual user type. A user inherits the classification of the reference user if they do not have any other role or profile mappings with classification, or if they have not been classified manually.
Add missing modification flags in SU24 data: This function complements the modification flag for entries that have changed since the last execution of step 2a in the transaction SU25, i.e., where there is a difference to the SAP data from the transaction SU22. The flag is thus set retrospectively, so that no customer data is accidentally overwritten with step 2a due to missing modification flags.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Add the Role Menu to the Collect Roll using the Read Menu button.
If you want to know more about SAP authorizations, visit the website
In Unicode systems, there are different spaces, which are represented by different hexadecimal values.