System changeability and client settings
What is SAP-BASIS?
In this SAP Solution Manager training, we teach you how SAP Solution Manager works. You will receive the necessary know-how to implement SAP SolMan yourself.
It is essential to define the role to be played within the company. STEP 4: DETERMINATION OF THE TARGET GROUP In this step, the target group of the service is defined and described in detail, e.g. by means of a letter. It will also discuss future target groups which may be of interest in the future. By defining a target group within a company, the SAP basis decides for whom the services and IT products should be delivered. It also makes sense to identify and describe future target groups (e.g. specialist areas) within the framework of a transformation of the SAP basis. STEP 5: POSITIONING This step will position the service on the market and also position the competitors in the relevant segment.
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If the user assignment of several transactions is to be verified, where it is not clear whether all transactions have been maintained in the menu of roles, the use of the transaction SE16N is always appropriate. Here you can also see the transactions that were assigned to a role only by the S_TCODE permission object. The result also shows which transaction is included in which role. What experience have you had in identifying specific transactions with user assignment? Do you know of any other ways to solve this problem? About your experiences and.
You can also create your own folder with your transactions as a folder in the SAP Easy Access menu. Because if you create many transactions as favorites, it can quickly become confusing. So you can easily and quickly group your transactions in different folders.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
Installing, migrating, upgrading, optimizing, monitoring and resolving ongoing issues with SAP systems.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
The identification of critical SAP permissions for the use of an SAP system must therefore be carried out in any case.