SAP Basis Support Package (Stack) Updates - SAP Corner

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Support Package (Stack) Updates
Rights-based workflows in accounting
The tasks of an SAP Basis administrator are management and administration of SAP systems. In practice, it means taking responsibility for the maintenance environment of the systems, their cooperation, updating, solving user problems and efficiency issues (concerning the network, databases or operating systems), backup copies and architecture. Another task of this position is also to follow new market trends and propose solutions compliant with them.

To ensure audit-proof traceability, you should only allow software components and namespaces to be changed on a production system in exceptional cases and for a limited period of time. This should only be done restrictively to prevent manipulation at the production level.
The tasks described above, which occur at rather irregular intervals and involve a certain degree of complexity due to the lack of routine or process know-how, should be examined in order to determine whether they can be performed more efficiently by an external service provider. One question to be answered is whether it is necessary to keep the necessary knowledge in the company in order to be able to react faster than the external service provider. For example, for business critical systems. Security aspects should also be considered, as external persons gain access to the system. From now on, outtasking performance must be regularly monitored and checked for quality and documentation. A complete dependence on the external partner must not arise.

Own development testing is very common in the quality system. Therefore, the customising/workbench developments must be transported to the appropriate system. It is highly recommended to use the order type "Transport of copies". This post explains why you should use this type of order and what you need to consider. Transporting copies - Why? All objects on the original transport order remain locked. Only the copies of the objects are transported to the next SAP system. If something goes wrong during transport, objects can easily be recollected or added. In addition, when copies are transported to the test system, no import is created in the production system. The import queue remains clean and clear. The problem with overtaking transports is eliminated. Transporting Copies - Creation To create a transport of copies, call the Transport Organiser through the transaction SE01. Check the Order Type "Transfers of Copies" and click View Create a new order (using the Document icon or F6 key). Then select the order type "Transport of copies". Then define a description and the destination system of the transport. Transport of copies - Add objects The transport order of the type "Transports of copies" was created. Now we want to add the objects of the original to be transported. Unfortunately, not all objects of an order can be copied directly. Therefore, it is important to take the objects task by task. A transport order can contain multiple tasks. Press CTRL+Y to highlight the task ID and then copy it by CTRL+C. Right-click on your order of the type "Transport of Copies" and select the Include objects option. Select the object list of an order and copy in the ID of the task that contains the objects to be transported. Confirm your input. All objects of the order are transferred to the transport of copies. You can then transport the objects to the test system using the normal transport procedure.

For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.

Furthermore we support you in the area of Oracle, MS-SQL and MaxDB databases in the SAP environment as well as a solution outside SAP.

The website offers many useful information about SAP basis.

An orientation towards the idea of cloud computing can help.
SAP Corner
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