Schedule user matching as a background job
Presentation layer (graphical user interface)
INTRODUCTION A growing number of SAP-based departments are facing major changes and challenges within the SAP product portfolio as well as in their own task environment. These result from influences of digitalisation, digital transformation, new technologies such as cloud computing or big data, but also developments such as customer experience or the Internet of Things. In order to overcome the challenges and to transform the existing SAP basis, recommendations for action are grouped in seven thematic areas. These topics cover the areas of skills and roles (cloud and supplier management, strengthening of the technology architect, focus on project work), marketing and self-understanding (creation of a service catalogue, regular exchange with the CIO, renaming of the SAP basis), new technologies and innovation (test and innovation lab, proactive & regular training), organisation in change (development of the two subject areas close to structure and application-orientated , virtual teams of experts), standardisation and automation (automation of routine tasks, outtasking of rare tasks), "cloudability", outsourcing & outtasking (assessment of usefulness for the cloud, use of appropriate service forms) and IT roadmap (influence of own IT roadmap). By reflecting on the thematic areas, methods and possibilities for implementing the recommendations are presented.
For these cases, you should take a closer look at the DBACOCKPIT transaction. This transaction provides you with many other database management features, an editor that allows you to easily execute your SQL queries against your SAP system. This method displays the result in the GUI shortly after the query is sent. How to execute a SQL query To call the editor for SQL queries in DBACOCKPIT, the user must: The user needs corresponding rights to execute the transactions SM49 and SM69. STOR and SMSS must be cultivated in the S_ADMI_FCD permission object. SQL queries must maintain the database connection. To get the current status of a database connection, see the DBCONT table. Rights for calling the table(s) to be retrieved must be assigned. For more details, see the section "Further information on DBACOCKPIT" in this blog post.
SMLT Language management
If all financial and sales activities as well as production, logistics and the personnel administrators run via one system, measures must be taken to ensure reliable functioning on the one hand and to protect the system internally and externally on the other. Due to the long history, the increased availability requirements often do not match the actual protection measures, so that security risks often arise at this point.
User authentication is usually performed by entering a user name and password. This information is called user credentials and should only be known to the user, so that no third party can gain access to the system under a false identity. This post explains how a user's password protection can be circumvented and how to prevent it. SAP system legacy data The login data of a user, including password, are saved in the USR02 database table. However, the password is not in plain text, but encrypted as a hash value. For each user there are not only one but up to three generated password hashes. Different algorithms are used to calculate these values, but only the Salted SHA1 can be considered sufficiently safe. Table deduction USR02 The secure password hash is located in the fifth column of the pictured table deduction with the heading Password hash value. The corresponding data field in the column is called PWDSALTEDHASH. Weak Password Hash Risks You have a good and working permission concept that ensures that no processes or data can be manipulated or stolen. A potential attacker now has the ability to read out your database with the password hashes. The hash values are calculated using password crackers, which are available on the Internet at home, and the attacker now has a long list of user credentials. To damage your system, the user will now search for the appropriate permissions and perform the attack under a false identity. Identifying the actual attacker is virtually impossible. Check if your system is vulnerable too Your system generates the weak hash values if the login/password_downwards_compatibility profile parameter has an unequal value of 0.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.
People tend to forget how important this element of the architecture is.
On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.
Roll Whitelist Do you want to exclude certain roles from the audit? Or do you want to test only critical roles? The tool offers you a whitelist function for this.