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Planning of SAP environments
SAP administrators are present wherever SAP systems are used. This is now true for many industries and business sectors. SAP systems can be found in the areas of accounting, cost accounting, activity-based costing and controlling. In all of these areas, they ensure smooth operation and further development, helping the company to make internal processes more efficient and thus save costs and resources.

SAP on Azure or on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a scalable, reliable platform for your current and future SAP HANA requirements. Achieve optimal performance for your entire system by migrating to Azure or AWS. Get the best of both worlds!
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User name without restrictions - critical? Depending on the release of the SAP_BASIS component in your system, invisible special characters may end up in the user name. This is especially critical if only spaces or alternate spaces are used for the user name when creating a new user. In Unicode systems, "alternative" spaces, so-called "wide spaces", can be used in addition to the normal space character (hexadecimal value 20). For example, the key combination "ALT+0160" can be used to insert non-breaking spaces. If a user is now created whose user name consists exclusively of such alternative spaces, this can be confusing. This is because entries for this user ID do appear in change documents, but the impression is created that the entry was created by a non-existent / deleted user. This circumstance can lead to confusion. In addition, certain special characters in the user name can also lead to errors, for example in the Change and Transport System (CTS). This is because the user name is also used in the CTS-ORG to create a file with the same name in the transport directory. Furthermore, there are letters/characters that look identical in different alphabets, but have a different hexadecimal value in the character set. This means that confusion in user names cannot be completely ruled out. Seemingly identical user names then stand for different users.

Cross-client tables can be modified. The control system of another, productive client can thus be undermined and undermined. Quite a lot of power! Did you also know that the SAP system provides a feature that deletes table change protocols (DBTA BLOG table) and that it is effective across all clients? If the table change logs have not been additionally archived via the BC_DBLOGS archiving object, traceability is no longer available. That way, every criminal act within your company can be beautifully covered up. Similarly, full access to batch management allows you to manage all background jobs in all clients with the permission. This allows you to delete old background jobs that have gone unauthorised. There are also some points to consider when managing print jobs. Typically, the following two SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print jobs: S_SPO_DEV (spooler device permissions) S_SPO_ACT (spooler actions). Why? Confidential information in print jobs is not protected against unauthorised disclosure. (Strictly) sensitive print jobs can be read unauthorised or redirected to external printers and printed out. Print jobs are unprotected unless additional SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print output. The print jobs are multi-tenant, which means that the authorisation award should also be well thought through at the point.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.

In addition to scanning and identifying the respective security vulnerabilities of a program, it is also possible to stop tasks that are to be transported to other SAP systems with security vulnerabilities in the further transport process This applies, for example, to the CHARM process based on SAP Solution Manager.

SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis:

This way you can easily and quickly find out the most important SAP Basis transactions.
SAP Corner
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