SAP Basis Missing result documentation - SAP Corner

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Missing result documentation
SWPC Continue workflows after system crash
In these cases, you will quickly get the problem under control with a manual user synchronization. This is because the user synchronization checks which roles are assigned to a user and then assigns the current, matching profile. You can run this user synchronization either manually or (my recommendation!) automatically as a background job:

Often you are obliged to perform a migration. There are various reasons, such as legal requirements or preparatory measures for an S/HANA conversion. We are happy to support you in your decisions.
SAP Floorplan Manager
SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of programs in the SAP system. It acts like an operating system for R/3 and subsequent releases including S/4HANA. Each operating system provides an environment in which programs can run, such as MS Office on Microsoft Windows.

In addition to the consultants working in the individual SAP modules, there is a subarea here that is not directly apparent to many and whose activities seem to be quite opaque: SAP Basis. The smooth operation of SAP systems as the heart of many companies is ensured by the work of SAP Basis administrators.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP basis.

On the other hand, the protection of personal data of one's own employees is one of the most important tasks of the authorisation system.

On you will also find useful information about SAP basis.

Due to the increased demands, this role and the associated activities must be professionalised through training and further training.
SAP Corner
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