SAP Basis Data modeling and extraction - SAP Corner

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Data modeling and extraction
SAP Basis Administrator
This possibility is particularly advantageous when it is a new topic and there is not yet a lot of know-how in the company. Instead of buying an expensive coach to teach employees the basics of a new topic, this means that the knowledge can be made available more cheaply and in a longer term, for example, through an online course.

The application layer is the core of an R/3 SAP Basis system. This layer communicates in both directions, to the presentation layer and to the database layer. The application programs on the application servers request the required data from the database layer, process it, prepare it for the user and pass it on to the presentation layer. Data that the user enters in the SAP GUI is passed on to the database via the application servers.
What is SAP BASIS? Complete tutorial
Mentioning the SUM tool leads us to another part of SAP Basis: system updates and upgrades. Since SAP software receives updates from SAP at regular intervals - in the case of R/3 in the form of SPS (Support Package Stacks) and in the case of S/4HANA in the form of FPS (Feature Pack Stacks) - a large part of an SAP Basis administrator's job is to import these packages into the SAP system.

A well-cared-for emergency user concept enables the audit-proof allocation of extended permissions in combination with the assurance of daily operations in your company. This article first addresses the fundamental issues that require an emergency user approach. It then briefly explains how such a concept works in general and how we implement it. An Emergency User is normally used when tasks are temporarily taken over outside the initial field of activity. I described the different scenarios of when such a user can be used and how to deal with them in this blog post for you. Why is an emergency user approach important? There are several scenarios in which the use of an emergency user with extended rights is useful: In urgent cases, it is often necessary to be able to quickly make changes to the system that are outside the user's actual field of activity. A key user who has the necessary permissions is on vacation and needs a representation. The same user suffers short-term illness and his/her representative must take over his/her duties to ensure the operation. We recommend developing a concept for the short-term allocation of the additional permissions. This will ensure the implementation of the above scenarios. How does an emergency user approach work? An emergency user concept in SAP works fundamentally via a temporary assignment of additional rights to a specific user. After the tasks have been completed, the user is deprived of the rights. The tasks performed with the extended permissions are logged and can then be evaluated by an auditor. However, there are a few things to keep in mind: A process for granting special rights should be defined. It must be specified which users can get special rights. The time period for which users can request an emergency user should be limited.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.

The fundamental question that should arise immediately after the decision to do so is whether the company creates the content itself or whether it relies on the content from external sources.

SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis:

For internal communication and communication with external service providers, as well as other suppliers, outsourcing partners or outsourcing partners and cloud service providers, there are up-to-date and meaningful documentation and process descriptions.
SAP Corner
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